IORA Delicate Maple Syrup

A jewel of the early season

Harvested at the beginning of the season, IORA delicate maple syrup brings you all the benefits of syrup with a delicate touch of maple and a beautiful golden colour. This syrup is more rare but very popular in Quebec, because it means the beginning of sugar season, a period of festivities like the grape harvest in Europe.

Its fine nose, its subtle taste that leaves no sweet aftertaste, makes it a healthy alternative to white sugar without altering the food it accompanies.



375 ml


Its characteristics



Golden and delicate. Fully transmits light.


Taste profile

Delicately sweet, notes of wood.



Very fine and light vanilla nose.



Perfect on fruit salad or for a Montreal mojito.


icône feuille d'érable

Exceptional syrup from
a owner-grower

Icône écologique

friendly approach

         Logo certification biologique canadienne


Icône santé

High in

Enjoy your syrup to its full potential

Serve fresh (10-12 degrees)

Preserve up to 3 years in the cellar, 6 months in the refrigerator once opened

Each colour has its own flavour

Discover the various grades of syrup available

More information